mercoledì 4 marzo 2015

I cinque punti


ContentsQuinque Puncta
The Five Points

Ante vel post Communionem utilissime recitanda.Most usefully recited before or after Communion.
I. Detestor et abominor omnia et singula peccata mea, et omnium aliorum commissa ab initio mundi usque in hanc horam, et deinceps usque ad finem mundi committenda: et, si possum, impedirem per gratiam Dei, quam supplex invoco.I. I detest and abhor each and every sin of mine, and all of the other sins committed from the beginning of the world through this hour and that will be committed unto the end of the world: and, if I could, might I impede them by the grace of God, which I call upon on my knees.
II. Laudo et approbo omnia bona opera, facta a principio mundi usque in hanc horam, et deinceps usque in finem mundi facienda: et, si possem, ea multiplicarem per gratiam Dei, quam supplex invoco.II. I praise and approve of every good work done from the beginning of the world through this hour and that will be done unto end of the world; and if I could, might I multiply them by the grace of God, which I call upon on my knees.
III. Intendo omnia facere, dicere et cogitare ad maiorem Dei gloriam, cum omnibus illis bonis intentionibus, quas Sancti unquam habuerunt, vel habebunt, vel habere possunt.III. I intend to act, to speak, and to think all for the greater glory of God, and with those good intentions which the Saints ever had, or will have, or can have.
IV. Ignosco et dimitto ex toto corde meo omnibus inimicis meis, omnibus me calumniantibus, omnis mihi detrahentibus, omnibus quocumque modo mihi nocentibus, vel volentibus mala.IV. With all my heart I pardon and forgive all my enemies, all those who accuse me falsely, all my detractors, and all who have injured me in any way or have wished me evil.
V. Utinam omnes homines salvare possem moriendo pro singulis! Libenter id facerem per gratiam Dei, quam propterea suppliciter imploro, et sine qua nihil possum.V. O how might I save all men by dying on behalf of each! Freely would I do this by the grace of God, which I implore on my knees, and without which I can do nothing.

Tr. MWM.

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