venerdì 6 marzo 2015

Gaude flore virginali. 2

Gaude flore virginali
William Horwood
(d. c. 1484)
Recorded in Performance June 23, 2001
Collegium Cantorum

Gaude flore virginali
Honoreque speciali
Transcendens splendiferum
Angelorum principatum
Et sanctorum decoratum
Dignitate numerum.
  Rejoice in the virginal flower
and in the special honor
transcending in dignity the
splendid pre-eminence of the
angels and the adorned multitude
of the saints.
Gaude sponsa cara Dei,
Nam ut clara lux diei
Solis datur lumine,
Sic tu facis orbem vere
Tuae pacis resplendere
Lucis plenitudine.
  Rejoice, dear spouse of God,
for as the clear light of day
is given by the light of the
sun, so you make the world
truly to shine with the
abundant light of your peace.
Gaude splendens vas virtutum
Cuius pendens est ad nutum
Tota caeli curia.
Te benignam et felicem
Jesu dignam genitricem
Veneratur in gloria.
  Rejoice, splendid vessel of
virtues, to whose will the
entire heavenly court bends.
It venerates you, benign,
blessed and worthy mother of
Jesus, in glory.
Gaude nexu voluntatis
Et amplexu caritatis
Iuncta sic altissimo,
Ut ad votum consequaris
Quicquid virgo postularis
A Jesu dulcissimo.
  Rejoice in the joining of the
will and the embrace of love,
you thus joined to the Most
High, that you follow divine
will in whatever, o virgin,
you are asked by sweetest Jesus
Gaude mater miserorum
Quia pater saeculorum
Dabit te colentibus
Congruentem hic mercedem
Et felicem poli sedem
Regnis in caelestibus.
  Rejoice, mother of the wretched,
for the Father of the ages will
grant you with honors this
fitting reward, and upon the
happy throne of heaven you will
reign on high.
Gaude virgo mater Christi
Quia sola meruisti,
O virgo piissima,
Esse tantae dignitatis
Quod sis sanctae trinitatis
Sessioni proxima.
  Rejoice, virgin mother of Christ,
because you alone have merited,
most pious virgin, to be of such
worth as to be next to the throne
of the Holy Trinity.
Gaude virgo mater pura
Certa manens et secura
Quod haec septem gaudia
Non cessabunt nec decrescent
Sed durabunt et florescent
Per aeterna saecula. Amen.
  Rejoice, pure virgin mother,
remaining certain and secure,
because these seven joys will not
cease nor decrease but will
endure and flourish though
eternity. Amen.

Recording © Copyright 2001 Cantare, Inc. All rights reserved.

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